Luna Leilani
"May the moon guide you, the sky be beside you, and the stars show you the way."
Background & Basics
Race: Xaela Au'ra, ex-Kagon
Nationality: Feral
Age: 22 summers
Nameday: 18th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon, Eorzean calander
Height: about 5'2"Jobs: Black Mage, Reaper, and Aspiring Dark Knight
Hobbies: studying other forms of fighting, reading, and cooking.
Alignment: Chaotic GoodPersonality: Sassy, guarded, realist, fiercly loyal, fiery, hopeless romantic, in love with the moonBackground
Born on the Steppe, she lived her life as a part of the Kagon Xaela tribe until her magic was blamed for a fire that burned down the winter camp and supposedly killed someone [Rose]. Luna and her Yol companion [Mother F.] then fled the Steppe and traveled around Othard and explored the Sea, where she ended up taking her current name. Eventually she ended up in Ala Mhigo, where she met her aoptive dad, Guillamere Ouranx. They eventually moved to Sharlayan, where they currentlly reside.
Mother F. -> Yol companion, hates chocobos
Rose -> girlfriend from the Steppe, presumed dead
Brawns or Brains: Luna often enjoys sparring and learning from others with different fighting styles, as well as strategy games.---The way to someone's heart: Luna may not like talking about her old home, but she would be happy to show you a dish from the Steppe, or any of the places she visited on her travels.---Studious: You might find her at Thaliak's Codex studying or bringing a treat to her dad. Feel free to ask her to translate something or to keep someone you don't like from bothering you, her glare is rumored to have killed a man once.
Hey! thanks for reading this!---OOC I go by Em and am a caffiene-addicted she/they. I'm used to D&D RP so forgive any FF lore mistakes.---I play on Crystal but am not opposed to world-hopping to make friends! Luna is mostly an RP alt, as I have Kara who is my main where I do mostly content and a tiny bit of RP.---Take your time with replies, I am a sucker for fluff, and am happily taken IRL. Not really interested in romance arcs but happy to make ic friends, and absolutely no 18+ RP ever, that one is non-negotiable.---discord available upon request/discussion
Some music to raise Hell to